The program now allows more flexibility with age and; You no longer need to prove a monthly income from outside of…
The Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry today (15 Dec 2023) announced new, more relaxed conditions for the Malaysia My Second…
(吉隆坡2022-09-01)政府今天宣布推出投资居住性质的马来西亚优质签证计划(Program Visa Premium Malaysia,PVIP),并于今年10月1日开放给各国人民申请,唯这不包括以色列,以及与我国没有邦交的国家。 韩沙再努丁今日记者会上说,在这项计划下,外国参与者可获得长达20年的居留证,以在我国求学、购买房地产(根据地方当局政策),如住宅建筑、商业或工业建筑物,并在获准的区域投资以及在我国法律允许的范围经商。 他说,这项计划的申请人数上限是包括我的第二家园计划(MM2H)参加人数总和,不可以超过我国总人口 1%。
PUTRAJAYA (2022 Sept 1): Malaysia has introduced a Premium Visa Programme (PVIP) to attract wealthy foreigners to invest in Malaysia…
Nine conditions for new MM2H applications Nine new conditions have been introduced to the updated Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)…
Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia appointed agent: Home Resources (MM2H) Sdn Bhd